Pacific Coast Miniature Horse Club
Numerous Opportunities for Youth Members
ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Youth Scholarships
There are seversal scholarships available each year
Two of our oldest youth awards
are the Audrey Barrett Award and the Dan Langfeld Award
Audrey Barrett Classic Shetland Youth Award - Sponsored by the ASPC/AMHR Youth Committee
This Award was started by the late Audrey Barrett, of Arenosa Pony Farm to recognize youth who show a registered Classic Shetland at officially rated shows. Youth must show a registered Classic Shetland Pony at Officially rated shows to qualify. There is a possible 16 awards presented each year - one in each of two ages groups in each of the eight Areas. Age groups are 12 & under & 13 to 17. The National Directors in each area will review the biographies and choose the winners. Winners will be contacted by the Awards Chair and there will be an award presented at the National Convention during the Saturday Morning Hall of Fame Breakfast.
How to Apply:
Submit a brief biography using the Biography Application form. The application form should be completed in its entirety and all required information included or application will be considered null and void. postmarked by June 1 of current year.
Daniel Langfeld, Jr. Award - Sponsored by the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Youth Committee
Award Description:
This award was started by Dan Langfeld, Jr., of Danby Farm to recognize the youth who show the most involvement whether in the show ring or promoting Shetlands and/or Miniatures. There are a possible eight awards to be presented each year - one in each of the eight Areas. The national Directors will review the biographies and choose the winners. The winners will be notified by the Awards Chair with the application for a $50 savings bond and there will an award presented at the National Convention during the Saturday Morning Hall of Fame Breakfast.
How to Apply:
Submit a brief biography using the Biography Application form. The application form should be completed in its entirety and all required information included or application will be considered null and void.
The fourth item due on June 1, 2016 is the T-shirt Design contest. This is to showcase the talent of the youth of our organization. Think how proud your parents, grandparents, or you yourself will be if your design is chosen. Maybe some of our clubs could encourage the youth at their local meetings to get together and do this together. Take time to fill in applications and for the new family that thinks they may not have a chance the local clubs could be the place that you will find that everyone has a fair chance at winning.
AMHR Youth Horse of the Year
Created to recognize the miniature horse that is the most competitive in both youth halter and performance classes and the youth member who consistently shows that horse.
ASPC Classic/Foundation Youth Pony of the Year
Created to recognize the Classic/Foundation Pony that is the most competitive in both youth halter and performance classes and the youth member who consistently shows that horse.
Modern Youth Pony of the Year
Created to recognize the Modern Youth Pony that is the most competitive in both youth halter and performance classes and the youth member who consistently shows that horse.
ASPR Youth Pony of the Year
Created to recognize the youth ASPR member who is the most competitive in the American Show Pony Youth Classes.
ASPC/AMHR Youth COOL Showman of the Year
Created for the ASPC/AMHR Youth COOL classes.
ASPR Youth Showman of the Year
Created to recognize the ASPR youth pony that is the most competitive in the American Show Pony youth classes.
Youth Horse Companion Program
The Youth Horse Companion Program was created in order to give the youth who doesn't participate in sanctioned shows an opportunity to work toward an award by sharing their partnership with a small equine (parades, nursing home visits, educational exhibits, etc.)
Bob Roudebush Sr. Memorial Showmanship Award
Based on points of Youth who apply for this award, with the award going to the youth with the highest points of those who apply in each of two division - Classic/Foundation Shetland and Modern Shetland.